Since you're all from different times zones I have no idea when midnight is there. Regardless. Happy New Years! Right now its the day time here and I just spent the last hour contemplating my New Years Resolutions. I don't want to put anything ridiculous, like loose weight( though I would love to), because those never get fulfilled. I want meaningful ones, that I will be motivated to complete. So without further ado:
1.) Save Money- This is probably the most important. I want to study abroad in London next spring, but as you all know the conversion rate between US dollars and there is ridiculous. Not to mention that I want to travel while I'm there.
2.) Spend more time with my family and friends- This one is typical, however I'm the type of person that gets to caught up in my work projects and I forget the amazing people I have in my life. I want to take time out in 2011 to be with them and show each and every one of them I appreciate them, even if its just something small.
3.) Apply myself more- I know what I want to do with my life and I love the things I am learning, but I need to get out there and learn more. Maybe I will read some books or follow a blog on PR. Just something to keep me more involved and knowledgeable in the business. Hopefully want to land an internship this year as well.
4.) Blog more- I've really enjoyed this past month interacting and getting to know all of you. Its been great sharing my style and life and getting to learn all about yours. Its something I really want to continue and grow in 2011.
all photos from weheartit
What about you, loves? What are your hopes and goals for 2011?