Monday, December 14, 2009

Literary Pursuits

I don't want this blog to only be about shoes and clothing trends I find interesting. In an effort to make the content more diverse I am going to introduce you to things over than clothes that inspire me.
I have always loved literature and writing. I'm currently a journalism major and double minored in creative writing and spanish. Writing is a big part of my life, and with writing comes a lot of reading.

We just finished this little gem in my creative writing class. If you have never read Saunders before I highly suggest him. His stories are out there but they always have a moral or meaning that packs a punch. This book was a childrens story turned fable of genocide.

The story has inspired some sketches of robotic type shoes that I will hopefully be able to scan and post later this week.


  1. i always have full respect to those who major in journalism . i think its a fascinating subject . i wish i could major that, but somehow my writing skills arent that good . and i dont like reading books at all . so not good for me :|
    am glad we have talented writers like u in this world :D

    hanks for commenting at my postt..
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    glisters & blisters
    last 4 days to enter my scarf giveaway!

  2. Hi Kassie!

    I'm going to take note of this author ... I'm really also always on the look out for good books! Thanks a lot!


  3. I love this! I'll make sure to check it out! :D

  4. Sounds good. I will check this out.

    I love your blog!


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